Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Update and Super Easy Caramelized Onions!

It feels like it has been ages since I have sat down in front of my computer and written to you guys! Christmas? Maybe?...wow!  I hope everyone had a great holiday.  Our New Year got started great and stressful. Is that possible?  Anyway, Husband got a fantastic new job which has him getting up at 4:30 in the morning, Baby B cut some teeth which has me getting up at all hours of the night and Max well....he is just cool as always!

 Right after the Holidays I started feeling like something was missing. There was an itch that I couldn't scratch.  Maybe it was the fall of the holidays and the feeling of having something to do every other day and then just not having anything to do, or just the warm fuzzy Christmas gives slowly starting to dissipate? I am really not sure. I started searching for something, I started with a vow to try and eat healthier this year. To be more specific to eat less animal protein.  I have done the all veg thing before and loved it however, living among multiple meat eaters proves very difficult.  After changing my diet up a little I was still missing something.....

Hi, I'm Jessy and I am addicted to Facebook!  There I said it!

 So I took a small break from Facebook to do some inner searching and found what I needed.  We started going to church as a family which has literally changed us, my soul is finally fed.  I had no idea how hungry I was.  I am not going to preach to you on here, but if you are missing something in your life and cannot figure out what the heck is going on...go get some soul food on Sunday morning! You might surprise yourself.

Like, I said I have been trying to eat more healthy which has had an effect on my cooking.  I am still cooking animal protein but I have tried incorporating a vegetarian dish at least once a week or limiting it to only eating very small amounts of protein at dinner...so I fit in. Haha. I have been focusing a lot on side dishes and how to jazz them up since they take up most of my plate these days. Today I am showing you how to caramelize onions and it is super easy!  Some comments I have heard about the time consuming act are: "They take forever!" and "Oh my goodness, I always burn them, I don't caramelize onions!" Well, people I have a cure for both of those problems!  Caramelized onions add such amazing flavor to so many things, they are sweet and smoky and just so darn good! I will take a rubber tire topped with caramelized onions, please.

I dare you to try this easy topping and get creative with what you put them on!  Typically caramelized onions take forever, you are basically waiting to draw out all the sugar in the onions which is how they get their sweet flavor and gorgeous color. Sometimes, that process can take forever and lets face it when you have a baby screaming at you and a five year old that is literally redecorating your house with Lego you need something quick!  My secret......COLA! The cola adds the sugar for you and cooks down into this caramel goodness that coats the onions and adds gorgeous color! Yes, it is that easy!!  It cuts the cook time in half and BOOM you have your onion candy if you will.  I used mine on some creamy Parmesan rice and it was delish! What will you put your onions on? C
omment below and let me know what you did with them!
I cannot take credit for this picture....but it is so gorgeous.
Slice some onions really thin and grab some tissues, have a good cry. There, there it is going to be okay.
This would be the shiny, glittery translucent stage...yum!
The secret! 
Thank you Husband for being my hand model! Those are some callused hard working hands, y'all!

What you will need:

4 small yellow onions
1/2 cup cola (I used Pepsi but I prefer coca-cola)
pinch of salt

In a skillet over high heat, heat olive oil.  Slice onions very thinly.  Add onions to pan and sprinkle with salt.  Cook until tender.  Add 1/2 cup of Cola and stir to coat onions. Let the onions sit until the liquid reduces (it will appear to thicken).  Do not be afraid to turn the heat up, high heat is the only way to get that nice brown color.  Once the cola has reduced the onions should become soft and brown.  Cook to desired texture. Serve over whatever you like, rice, chicken, burger or the sole of a shoe! They are so good!

Don't be deceived by their wormy appearance these were so good! What will you put yours on?!?!


  1. Uh yum! Do you think this would work with diet soda as I am starting Atkins in the beginning of February? I love everything about this post! Love you!

  2. I'm not sure about diet soda! But I would be interested in trying it! Or you could experiment and let me know. It is the syrup in the soda that does the caramelizing. So you may be able to....you can always substitute the soda with balsamic vinegar, but only use a 1/4 cup.
