Saturday, November 29, 2014

Go Home Life.....

My life recently flipped upside down.  I am living in a new reality and although I miss my friends like mad. And if I think about my mom long enough I get this knot in my throat, that is finally soothed, only by tear filled eyes, I am okay.  Maybe, I am even happy.  I am here with my BEST friend (I know its cliche, my Husband is my best friend...but he really is...he knows things.) the Husband, we are here, together.  I could not go through life without him.  I mean, I know I could but you get the idea.  I moved from my home in flat, windy Oklahoma.  Oklahoma, where you never miss a sunset, and neighbors help neighbors without question. I moved my entire life to Alabama, I am in the mountains...seriously, my the pressure in my ears adjust as I am driving to my house. I am with my husband and two boys and although things are going slower than expected, I have faith in us.  I will use this blog as an outlet for my worries and stresses.  I cook, and I have been told I am fairly good at it.  Cooking is an outlet for me like no other.  I revel in the faces of people that try my dishes, and my ears strain to here the "hmms" and "oohhs".  No matter how tired I am from the night before 50 3 feedings (I am breastfeeding my youngest, IT is a job all it's own), I always have energy to cook.  Some people's stress melts away on the treadmill, mine melts away stirring a small pot of sauce that will eventually blanket whatever protein is cooking in the oven below or whatever I may have cooked up that night, although sometimes I wish it was the latter...sometimes.  I am a serious multi-tasker.  I have to be with two boys, one that can't even talk and one that never shuts up.  A lot of deep breathes happen through out my day.  After a stressful day it never fails, you will find me in the kitchen.  I love sharing recipes and receive many here it is.  My life flips over on its side...and you get the benefit. Go home are drunk.

Multi-tasking at it's finest.

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