Sunday, November 30, 2014

Almond Milk Pancakes

I have this dream that one day my future daughter-in-law will experience the same pressure I have felt when it comes to continuing on those simple comfort dishes from mom.  The dish that has taken me YEARS to perfect and gain a "did you call mom for directions?!?" (when I did not) comment is Tomato Gravy.  I know what you are thinking, "ew!" but I kid you not, it's amazing [recipe coming soon].  But today I am not talking about gravy....I am talking about a simple little tradition I have tried implementing for a while now..on Sundays I make breakfast for my guys.  Typically, throughout the week breakfast consist of cereal, oatmeal and the occasional left over chicken leg if Max helps himself, but on Sundays we have pancakes. Not from a box. From scratch ya'll! It's the only way I know how, I would mess up box pancakes.  Usually, I make these fluffy decadent flat cakes with buttermilk, and sour cream and all the fat, and sometimes I take a slightly healthier but not really twist on it.  You can substitute buttermilk and sour cream, but almond milk is really good too. I also happen to live with fruit bats and so they request some kind of fruit with just about every dish. Today I made a very simple triple berry topping for these cakes and the guys ate it up! 

You will need:

Almond Milk Pancakes:

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
2 table spoons sugar
1 table spoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups almond milk

Start by mixing all dry ingredients in a medium sized mixing bowl.  I like to "fluff" my ingredients with a dry whisk.  Heat non-stick or well seasoned skillet over medium high heat.  In a separate bowl whisk together eggs and vanilla. I like to whisk them separately so the eggs are incorporated better.  Add egg mixture to dry ingredients. Add almond milk. Here is the trick to good pancakes....DON'T OVER STIR YOUR BATTER!!!  You want a lumpy batter.  I prefer mine a little more runny and so I add more almond milk if needed.  This is also the part where you would sub buttermilk, whole milk or one part whole milk with one part sour cream. Once your batter is mixed and lumpy using a ladle pour your first cake into the skillet.
See the lumps?

The first cake NEVER works out.  Make it a small one.  I like to call this guy the "tester cake" and he is usually reserved for my black lab who eagerly awaits its decadence near by. [I hear his tail thumping now]. Like I said it will be ugly...mine is, so no worries.  You are simply testing the heat of your skillet.
Here is my ugly pancake.

Your pancake is ready to flip when it looks like it is full of pores. Pock marks. Haha. Flip that puppy then.

I mentioned a triple berry topping that I threw together last minute for that you will need:

frozen or fresh berry mixture, I used an organic blend from Publix, it had cherries, blueberries and raspberries. I threw the mixture in a small jar and added about half a table spoon of sugar. Place the jar in the microwave for 30 seconds and then stir.  Warm for another thirty seconds. Place lid on the jar and give it a good shake! Simple, easy berry mix. Try in on other things besides pancakes.

MMMMmmm. These were so good! Enjoy guys. See you next week!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Go Home Life.....

My life recently flipped upside down.  I am living in a new reality and although I miss my friends like mad. And if I think about my mom long enough I get this knot in my throat, that is finally soothed, only by tear filled eyes, I am okay.  Maybe, I am even happy.  I am here with my BEST friend (I know its cliche, my Husband is my best friend...but he really is...he knows things.) the Husband, we are here, together.  I could not go through life without him.  I mean, I know I could but you get the idea.  I moved from my home in flat, windy Oklahoma.  Oklahoma, where you never miss a sunset, and neighbors help neighbors without question. I moved my entire life to Alabama, I am in the mountains...seriously, my the pressure in my ears adjust as I am driving to my house. I am with my husband and two boys and although things are going slower than expected, I have faith in us.  I will use this blog as an outlet for my worries and stresses.  I cook, and I have been told I am fairly good at it.  Cooking is an outlet for me like no other.  I revel in the faces of people that try my dishes, and my ears strain to here the "hmms" and "oohhs".  No matter how tired I am from the night before 50 3 feedings (I am breastfeeding my youngest, IT is a job all it's own), I always have energy to cook.  Some people's stress melts away on the treadmill, mine melts away stirring a small pot of sauce that will eventually blanket whatever protein is cooking in the oven below or whatever I may have cooked up that night, although sometimes I wish it was the latter...sometimes.  I am a serious multi-tasker.  I have to be with two boys, one that can't even talk and one that never shuts up.  A lot of deep breathes happen through out my day.  After a stressful day it never fails, you will find me in the kitchen.  I love sharing recipes and receive many here it is.  My life flips over on its side...and you get the benefit. Go home are drunk.

Multi-tasking at it's finest.